Asad Aali

Research Data Analyst
Stanford University


I am a research data analyst in the Integrative Biomedical Imaging Informatics group at Stanford (IBIIS). My work involves the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for applications in:

  1. Computer Vision
  2. Medical Imaging
  3. Biomedical Informatics


Prior to joining Stanford, I graduated with a Master’s in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) from The University of Texas at Austin, advised by Dr. Jon Tamir. During my MS in ECE, I completed a research internship at Amazon Health, exploring the application of large language models (LLMs) in clinical text summarization tasks.


May 2024 My paper GSURE-Score (Slides) was orally presented at ISMRM, 2024.
Apr 2024 Began working at Stanford University as a Research Data Analyst, advised by Dr. Akshay Chaudhari.
Feb 2024 Nature Medicine published our LLM paper on clinical text summarization!
Jan 2024 My second lead author paper GSURE Denoising enables training of higher quality generative priors for accelerated Multi-Coil MRI Reconstruction got accepted at ISMRM 2024 (Oral).
Oct 2023 Presented a Poster on “Solving Inverse Problems with Score-Based Generative Priors learned from Noisy Data,” at IEEE Asilomar 2023.